latest news
On December 23, Rabbi Saul Emanuel met some of the top people at the La Cole border crossing…
Every year, the MJC Conversion Center holds a Chanukah party for those in our program and recent converts.
This Chanukah, Pierre Poilievre invited Rabbi Saul Emanuel of the Jewish Community Council of Montreal (JCC) to his Chanukah…
Welcome to JCC
The Jewish Community Council of Montreal (JCC) is a multifaceted organization that was created to facilitate the maintenance of Jewish traditional life in Montreal. While offering a wide variety of services, the JCC prides itself on being deeply sensitive to the needs of the community and the different challenges faced by each individual’s situation. Its multiple branches, independent while being under the auspices of the JCC, work in compliment to safeguard Jewish rights for the entire community.
Our services
The Beth Din of Montreal consists of well experienced Rabbis and Rabbinical judges in the field of Beth Din matters, which include commercial disputes related to partnerships, corporate disputes and employment disputes. In addition congregational issues, businesses, contracts, inheritance and child support are also adjudicated. It has earned an international reputation for integrity, competence, and fairness. It is a forum which acts in a professional, efficient and user-friendly manner.
The Beth Din of Montreal consists of well experienced Rabbis and Rabbinical judges in the field of Beth Din matters, which include commercial disputes related to partnerships, corporate disputes and employment disputes. In addition congregational issues, businesses, contracts, inheritance and child support are also adjudicated. It has earned an international reputation for integrity, competence, and fairness. It is a forum which acts in a professional, efficient and user-friendly manner.

Under Jewish law, couples who separate and then civilly divorce are not permitted to remarry until they receive a GET (writ). The Jewish divorce procedure is performed in accordance with the relevant Halachic rules governing the divorce system.The members of the Beth Din are acutely aware of the emotional challenges of divorce and do their utmost to serve all parties involved with sensitivity and compassion.

The Torah strictly forbids the collection or payment of interest on a loan, granted from one Jew to another. Given that law, there is a procedure, called HETER ISKA (“partnership clause”) by which it is permitted to profit from funds (monies) extended to one’s fellow.

A service is provided whereby, members of the public are able to obtain confirmation of the Beth Din of Montreal that they are of Jewish descent. In order to receive this confirmation, please read the form carefully and attach all necessary documentation. Without the necessary documentation, it will not be possible to process your application.

The Beth Din has translation service from Hebrew to English for official documents required by law.
People who are getting married in foreign countries or in Israel require specific marriage documentation prior to going through the religious service.
The Beth Din convenes hearings for cases of personal status as well as inheritance