Montreal’s Pesach ice storm made a memorable Pesach for Jews across the island: seder was held in the dark, food was cold, and houses were colder. Many Jewish low income families who stretched their last pennies to make yom tov had to dispose of all their meats and poultry after they spoiled from sitting in a warm freezer for several days in a row.
All perishables had to be re-purchased before the second days of the chag, and families who stretched every last penny to make Pesach once simply could not do it all over again a week later. That’s where the Jewish Community Council of Montreal came in. As soon as members of the JCC saw families struggling, they decided to create a fund to help. After publicizing the fundraiser, donations from ‘round the world began to roll in. The JCC appointed a committee of community leaders from Cote St Luc, Dollard, Westbury, Ville St Laurent, De Vimy Area and Outremont to distribute the funds to the appropriate recipients.
By the time Chol Hamoed was over, close to 200 families had received generous credits on their grocery accounts. We thank the Montreal community for opening their hearts to help our brothers and sisters here at home. We also thank the donors from all across the Jewish world for showing us what we all know – MI KEAMCHA YISROEL!
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